The most unknown thermal ponds
The most unknown thermal ponds

the most unknown thermal ponds

You can see a shematic view of a solar pond in Figure 1.įig. The solar pond restricts this tendency by dissolving salt in the bottom layer of the pond making it too heavy to rise. The net result is that the pond water remains at the atmospheric temperature. Similarly, in an ordinary pond, the sun’s rays heat the water and the heated water from within the pond rises and reaches the top but loses the heat into the atmosphere. It is well-known that water or air is heated they become lighter and rise upward. The solar pond works on a very simple principle. Solar heat is thus stored in the lower layer of the pond. The temperature in this layer rises since the heat it absorbs from the sunlight is unable to move upwards to the surface by convection. Solar radiation entering the pond penetrates through to the lower layer, which contains concentrated salt solution. Ī solar pond can store solar heat much more efficiently than a body of water of the same size because the salinity gradient prevents convection currents. The design of solar ponds reduces either convection or evaporation in order to store the heat collected by the pond. The colder water, which is heavier, moves down to replace the warm water, creating a natural convective circulation that mixes the water and dissipates the heat. Once it reaches the surface, the water loses its heat to the airthrough convection, or evaporates, taking heat with it. Water warmed by the sun expands and rises as it becomes less dense. Solar energy will warm a body of water (that is exposed to the sun), but the water loses its heat unless some method is used to trap it. WHAT A SOLAR POND ISĪ solar pond is a body of water that collects and stores solar energy. It can be use for various applications, such as process heating, water desalination, refrigeration, drying and power generation 2. Solar ponds are large-scale energy collectors with integral heat storage for supplying thermal energy. One way to tap solar energy is through the use of solar ponds. Īfter the dramatic rise in oil prices in the 1970s, several countries began to formulate extensive research and development programmes to exploit solar energy. Before 1970, some research and development was carried out in a few countries to exploit solar energy more efficiently, but most of this work remained mainly academic. Solar energy has been used since prehistoric times, but in a most primitive manner. It is in fact one of the best alternatives to the non-renewable sources of The sun is the largest source of renewable energy and this energy is abundantly available in all parts of the earth. – 5.1 BHUJ SOLAR POND – 5.2 El PASO SOLAR POND – 5.3 PYRAMID HILL SOLAR POND AHMET ECEVIT PHYS.471 SOLAR ENERGY FALL 2004 OUTLINE

the most unknown thermal ponds


The most unknown thermal ponds